Arrival / Dismissal Procedures

Safety is one of our most important concerns at Marjory Stoneman Douglas Elementary. As part of our continuing commitment to ensuring the safety of all our students, we are advising parents of our arrival and dismissal procedures.

Under no circumstances are students to be dropped off at school prior to 7:45 a.m. unless they are enrolled in the Before School Care Program. The Before School Care Program receives students in the Main Cafeteria beginning at 7:00 a.m. Students are not to arrive at school prior to this time. Breakfast is available in the Main Cafeteria beginning at 7:45 a.m. Please note that only staff and approved school volunteers are permitted in the Cafeteria during breakfast.

Dismissal times are as follows:

Pre-Kindergarten, Kindergarten and 1st grade: 1:50 p.m.
Grades 2 through 5: 3:05 p.m.
All Students (Pre-Kindergarten through 5): 1:50 p.m. on Wednesdays

Students not enrolled in the After School Care Program, or not participating in an afterschool activity, must not remain on campus after dismissal (e.g., no waiting for a brother/sister who participates in an after-school activity). Pre-Kindergarten through First Grade students not picked up at dismissal must be enrolled in the After School Care “Story Hour” program in order to remain on campus. In order to ensure these students’ safety, a parent/guardian must complete the sign-out procedure through the appropriate office if there is an emergency and they arrive late. The After School Care Program is available from 1:50 through 6:00 p.m. daily. For additional information on registration and program costs for Before School and After School Care, please contact the Main Campus After Care Office at 305-226-4356, ECC After Care Office at 305-222-8000, and PLC After Care Office at (305) 222-4822.

Marjory Stoneman Douglas Elementary has a closed campus policy. To ensure that our school is secured, parents/guardians and visitors will not be permitted past the Main Entrance. Access to school buildings, including perimeter gates, is limited to faculty and staff prior to school hours. Perimeter gates and secondary points of access will remain secured prior to and during school hours. School staff and safety patrols will be posted and visible to ensure the safety of each child. Access to the school’s campus, buildings and classrooms will be restricted to authorized visitors approved through each respective campus office. Under no circumstances are any visitors to enter the campus buildings or classrooms without this approval. The following procedures will be used:


All students are to be dropped off at the respective circular driveway where staff will assist with arrival.


Students must be picked-up immediately following dismissal unless they are enrolled in the After School Care Program. Students who are dismissed at 1:50 p.m. are not allowed to wait for older siblings unless they are enrolled in the After School Care Program.

Drop-Off/Pick-Up Zones

Parents/Guardians dropping or picking up students must use the designated areas.
– Speed limits must be obeyed at all times.
– No U-Turns are permitted within the posted school zone.
– Students are not to be dropped off in designated faculty parking lots.
– Movement through drop-off/pick-up areas must be continuous. As a result, vehicles must only stop long enough to allow passengers to safely enter or leave the vehicle. Parking is not permitted in the drop-off zone.

Students transported by district or private buses will be dropped off and picked up in the designated bus area. Parking is not allowed in the designated drop-off and driveway areas. Additionally, parking is not allowed in spaces designated for school-staff use. Vehicles parked in designated pick-up/drop-off or bus loading zones are subject to removal at the owner’s expense. No parents/guardians will be allowed to enter the campus during  arrival/dismissal times. No parents/guardians will be allowed in the Cafeteria during arrival. Parents needing to go to the Cafeteria to make a payment will be issued visitor passes after 8:35 a.m.

Rainy Day Dismissal

Students are to remain in their classrooms during a rainy day dismissal. Parents will be allowed to enter the building and pick up their child from their classrooms at dismissal.